Shepherds Conference 2009 Shepherds Conference


The mission of the Shepherds Conference is to provide the opportunity for men in church leadership to be challenged in their commitment to biblical ministry and to find encouragement as together we seek to become more effective servants of our chief Shepherd.

Media on Shepherds Conference Website

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Creation, Theology & The End of the Universe
10:00am - 11:30am on Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Download(s): MP3 / Spanish MP3 / Russian MP3

Consecrating your heart as you prepare for the pulpit.

Download(s): MP3

Examining the ever-changing definition.

Download(s): MP3 / Spanish MP3 / Russian MP3

A philosophy of ministry built upon the text of scripture.

Download(s): MP3

And what your church can do to prevent it.

Download(s): MP3

An interactive forum on practical ministry issues.

Download(s): MP3

How to preach the Old Testament.

Download(s): MP3

Understanding the goal of church discipline.

Download(s): MP3

Be Careful How You Build
3:15pm - 4:30pm on Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Download(s): MP3 / Spanish MP3 / Russian MP3

Holy Spirit Revelation
7:00pm - 9:30pm on Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Download(s): MP3 / Spanish MP3 / Russian MP3

Thursday, March 5, 2009

A Pastor's Greatest Concern
9:00am - 10:15am on Thursday, March 5, 2009

Download(s): MP3 / Spanish MP3 / Russian MP3

Interview with John MacArthur
10:45am - 12:00pm on Thursday, March 5, 2009 (Questions & Answers)

Download(s): MP3 / Spanish MP3 / Russian MP3

Studying the passage with accuracy and care.

Download(s): MP3 / Spanish MP3 / Russian MP3

How biblical leadership both creates and resolves conflict.

Download(s): MP3

Keys to preaching this life-transforming letter.

Download(s): MP3

Motivating and mobilizing members into the work of the ministry.

Download(s): MP3

Reclaiming the Great Commission in your local church.

Download(s): MP3

Striving for a balanced approach to music in worship.

Download(s): MP3

How to train lay leadership to assist you in biblical counseling.

Download(s): MP3

Cultivating your church's love for its missionaries

Download(s): MP3

Crafting an effective sermon that stays faithful to the text.

Download(s): MP3

Assessing the New Atheism from a biblical perspective.

Download(s): MP3

What every pastor and elder needs to know about raising his kids.

Download(s): MP3

A guide to biblical decision making.

Download(s): MP3

Living out the gospel through adoption and mercy ministry.

Download(s): MP3

What the Bible teaches about faith healing.

Download(s): MP3

Principios básicos de comunicación y enseñanza bíblica.

Download(s): Spanish MP3

Preaching with Authority
7:00pm - 8:30pm on Thursday, March 5, 2009

Download(s): MP3 / Spanish MP3 / Russian MP3

Friday, March 6, 2009

Be Careful What you Say
9:00am - 10:15am on Friday, March 6, 2009

Download(s): MP3 / Spanish MP3 / Russian MP3

Proclaiming the sermon with clarity and conviction.

Download(s): MP3

Answering the common ministry questions that we have received over the years.

Download(s): MP3

The call to cultivate unity in your local church.

Download(s): MP3

Ministering effectively to those with autism, Down syndrome, and other special needs.

Download(s): MP3

Why Did God Allow Evil?
7:00pm - 8:30pm on Friday, March 6, 2009

Download(s): MP3 / Spanish MP3 / Russian MP3