The Master’s Seminary

The Master's Seminary trains men for pastoral ministry—to preach the Word of God, reach the world for Christ, and teach others to do the same

The desire of TMS is to see every tongue, tribe, and nation reached with the eternal truth concerning our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Even men who do not personally endeavor to go overseas with the gospel are equipped to faithfully lead their local churches in supporting missionary efforts.

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The Entrusted: The Convictions and Legacy of John MacArthur

Season two of The MacArthur Center podcast explores how Pastor John has entrusted the gospel to future generations, the men and movements that have influenced him, and how he has prepared Grace Church to carry on when he is no longer our pastor...

The Master’s Seminary

The Expositor: The Life and Preaching of John MacArthur

When we launched The MacArthur Center for Expository Preaching at The Master’s Seminary, we dedicated season one of our flagship podcast to the remarkable, providential story of Pastor John’s preaching ministry...

The Master’s Seminary

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TMS graduates serve in churches and training centers around the world. To locate sound biblical churches and connect with TMS alumni visit

The Master’s Seminary

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