Richard grew up in England. It was in 1983 that he first heard the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and was graciously saved. For over a decade he worked as a school teacher. He met his wife, Telda, in 1994 when she was visiting the UK from South Africa. They were married shortly after.
In 2010 Richard and Telda left the UK for Richard to study at TMS—four years at Grace Community Church that changed their lives. Having completed his studies they moved to Nelspruit in South Africa, following a request from some local people who could not find an English-speaking church in the city which had a high view of God and of His Word. This was the start of God's work in planting Nelspruit Bible Church. Richard and Telda have three children, Andrew who has left home, Lethu (16) and Charlie (10).
The church is slowly growing—we now have three godly elders— and there is much evidence of God’s grace in the lives of the members. We are however conscious of the multitudes of people all around us who walk in darkness and are not getting to hear the gospel of Christ. Please ask the Lord to use us to plant other churches in these dark areas, especially in the townships, to the praise of His glorious grace.
Richard is the pastor-teacher of Nelspruit Bible Church. He is passionate about Christ, his family, the church, theology, and training men for faithful ministry.
If you are interested and would like to know more about this ministry please go to:: or better still, come and stay with us for a visit.
Nelspruit, South Africa