Philosophy of Ministry


As a ministry of Grace Church, GMI is led by the Elders’ Council Handling Outreach (ECHO).

The Ministry of GMI

  • The Local Church - Each missionary and candidate must be committed to the establishing and strengthening of local churches and the development of local church leadership, both vocational and lay, as exclusive ministry objectives. All decisions regarding ministry efforts and resources must be considered in light of these objectives.
  • Biblical Discipleship - Each missionary must be actively discipling others and must be committed to the sufficiency of Scripture and the ministry of the Holy Spirit to transform every believer by means of the process of biblical sanctification. Thus, reliance upon non-biblical methodology to deal with spiritual matters in the lives of individuals is unacceptable.
  • Expository Preaching - Each man sent as a missionary must be prepared to handle the Word of God in an expository manner. His teaching and pulpit ministry must be expository in nature.
    • Although Bible translators, marketplace partners, and others who support the preaching and training ministry may not have an ongoing ministry of preaching, they must be able to interpret Scripture accurately and explain it effectively.
    • The Scriptures are clear that the God-ordained role of women in the church is not to teach men or to pastor (1 Timothy 2:12). Nonetheless, women sent out through GMI must be able to interpret the Scriptures accurately, teach doctrinal truths to other women and children, and biblically counsel other women and children. 

Missionary Categories


GCC Missionaries have served at Grace Church for an extended time. Their lives and ministries are intertwined with those of our church family.

GCC Missionaries USA are similar to GCC Missionaries, but serve primarily in the United States.

National Missionaries are also similar to GCC Missionaries, but have returned to their countries of citizenship.

Ministry Partners

Global Partners are TMS graduates from like-minded churches that do not have the sending capability of GMI. Global Partners serve alongside our GCC missionaries.

National Partners are TMS graduates whom our Outreach Elders view as potential key partners in TMAI (The Master’s Academy International) training centers. GMI comes alongside these men to help them transition back to ministry in their countries for citizenship.

Marketplace Partners are members of Grace Church who desire to live overseas and work in the secular marketplace with the purpose of serving in a significant capacity in the local church and spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ.

GMI Associates are men who have been sent out with GMI and have become pastors at one church for an extended period of time. GMI Associates are supported by their local churches and/or training centers but remain connected to GMI as a means of fellowship and camaraderie.