Book Recommendations

All Addiction Anger Attributes of God Charismatic Theology Christian Living Christian Character Communication Forgiveness Holiness Holy Spirit Humility Husbands Local Church Marriage Parenting Suffering Theology Wife Worship

The Holy Spirit

Theology for the People of God by Gregg R. Allison & Andreas J. Köstenberger • This book studies the Holy Spirit through the lens...

God Is

A Devotional Guide to the Attributes of God by Mark Jones

None Else

Thirty-One Meditations on God’s Character and Attributes by Joel Beeke and Brian Cosby

The Attributes of God

by A. W. Pink

A Body of Divinity

by Thomas Watson

The Loveliest Place

The Beauty and Glory of the Church by Dustin Benge • Dear. Precious. Lovely. The Bible describes the church in extraordinary ways...

Valley of Vision

A Collection of Puritan Prayers & Devotions edited by Arthur Bennett • The strength of Puritan character and life lay in prayer and meditation.

Gospel Treason

Betraying the Gospel with Hidden Idols by Brad J. Bigney • Is it harder for you to change and grow as a Christian than it should be?

The Discipline of Grace

by Jerry Bridges • You are never beyond the reach of God’s grace―or the need for it.

The Pursuit of Holiness

by Jerry Bridges • “Be holy, for I am holy,” commands God to His people.

The Blessing of Humility

by Jerry Bridges • We all admire humility when we see it. But how do we practice it?

Trusting God

Even When Life Hurts by Jerry Bridges • “Why is God allowing this? What have I done wrong?”

Men of the Word

Insights for Life from Men Who Walked with God by Nathan Busenitz • What is God’s calling for men?

Christ-Centered Worship

Letting the Gospel Shape Our Practice by Bryan Chapell • The church's worship has always been shaped by its understanding of the gospel.

Nine Marks of a Healthy Church

by Mark Dever • What Makes for a Healthy Church?

What Is the Mission of the Church?

by Kevin DeYoung & Greg Gilbert • Christians today define mission more broadly and variably than ever before.

The Hole in Our Holiness

Filling the Gap between Gospel Passion and the Pursuit of Godliness by Kevin DeYoung • What does it mean to be holy?

Why We Love the Church

In Praise of Institutions and Organized Religion by Kevin DeYoung

Devoted to God’s Church

by Sinclair Ferguson • Being a Christian is not an individualistic or isolated activity. Believing also involves belonging.

Disciplines of a Godly Woman

by Barbara Hughes • Maybe discipline seems like a hard word to you—implying nothing but challenge and duty.

Disciplines of a Godly Young Man

by R. Kent Hughes • Point blank, this is a punchy, no-holds-barred book for young men.

Uprooting Anger

Biblical Help for a Common Problem by Robert D. Jones • Grandma was right. You've got to get the weeds by the roots, or they'll just grow back.

The Pillars of Christian Character

The Essential Attitudes of a Living Faith by John MacArthur • Without question the crucial issue in living the Christian life...

Fuego Extraño

por John MacArthur • El movimiento carismático, con más de quinientos millones de miembros en todo el mundo, es el movimiento religioso...

Strange Fire

by John MacArthur • What would God say about those who blatantly misrepresent His Holy Spirit; who exchange true worship for chaotic fits of mindless ecstasy?

A Simple Christianity

by John MacArthur • After years as believers, we can come to find the Christian life too complicated, our zeal diminished, and our relationship...

Found: God's Will

Find the Direction and Purpose God Wants for Your Life by John MacArthur • How can I discover God’s plan for my life?

Brave Dad

Raising Your Kids to Love and Follow by John MacArthur • Become the Dad Your Kids Need.

The Freedom and Power of Forgiveness

by John MacArthur • Few concepts are more basic to Christianity or more important...

The Truth About Forgiveness

by John MacArthur • A focused, powerful message about forgiveness and its necessity...

The Silent Shepherd

by John MacArthur • The role of the Holy Spirit in a Christian's life is often misunderstood.

The Power of Integrity

by John MacArthur • We live in a society that has largely abandoned moral standards and Christian principles.

The Master's Plan for the Church

by John Macarthur • Christ never intended church leadership to be earned by seniority...

Divine Design

God's Complementary Roles for Men and Women by John MacArthur • For decades culture has blurred the lines between men and women...

What the Bible Says About Parenting

by John MacArthur • More than ever, Christians need to know what the Bible actually teaches about parenting...

Standing Strong

by John MacArthur • Spiritual warfare is a divisive subject for today’s church.

The Power of Suffering

Strengthening Your Faith in the Refiner's Fire by John MacArthur • In today’s modern world of convenience...

Teología sistemática

Un estudio profundo de la doctrina bíblica por John MacArthur • La doctrina no es solo para los teólogos...

Biblical Doctrine

A Systematic Summary of Bible Truth by John MacArthur • Doctrine isn’t just for theologians—it’s important for every Christian...


The Ultimate Priority by John MacArthur • Worship is so much more than what is sung or played in church on Sunday morning.

Strengthening Your Marriage

by Wayne Mack • For better or for worse? Whichever term describes your marriage, there are ways to make it (even) better.

Life in the Father's House

A Member's Guide to the Local Church by Wayne A. Mack, Dave Swavely • This book introduces us to the meaning of church membership...

Humility: True Greatness

by C.J. Mahaney • A battle rages within every one of us every day.

Brokenness, Surrender, Holiness

A Revive Our Hearts Trilogy by Nancy Leigh DeMoss • Nancy Leigh DeMoss is beloved for her openness, insight, and boldness...

Humility: The Beauty of Holiness

by Andrew Murray • When Jesus made himself nothing taking the nature of a servant, He modeled for all believers...

Knowing God

by J.I. Packer • Reading this book will give you a high and exalted view of God...

The Excellent Wife

by Martha Peace • Our top-selling Bible study for couples.

Three Hallmarks of a Biblical Church Member

by Tom Pennington • Are you a biblical church member? The New Testament teaches that Christians are...

Good and Angry

Redeeming Anger, Irritation, Complaining, and Bitterness by David Powlison • Something that matters to you just isn’t right.

Communication and Conflict Resolution

by Stuart Scott • Communication and resolving conflicts in a God-honoring way involves having a heart that is humble...

The Exemplary Husband

A Biblical Perspective by Stuart Scott • The overall goal of this book is to assist husbands toward purposeful and lasting Christ-likeness...

The Heart of Addiction

A Biblical Perspective by Mark Shaw • This book makes the distinction between what the world terms a "disease" and what the Bible...

The Holiness of God

by R.C. Sproul • While thoughtfully and carefully written, the book reads easily.

Passions of the Heart

Biblical Counsel for Stubborn Sexual Sins by John Street • Here there is hope: any sin can be forgiven...

Becoming a Woman Who Pleases God

A Guide to Developing Your Biblical Potential by Lisa Tatlock, Pat Ennis • There is an enormous amount of confusion and deception...

War of Words

Getting to the Heart of Your Communication Struggles by Paul David Tripp • "Talk" seems so normal, so ordinary, so harmless.

Age of Opportunity

A biblical Guide to Parenting Teens by Paul David Tripp • The argument over the last donut.

Shepherding a Child's Heart

by Tedd Tripp • Shepherding a Child's Heart is about how to speak to the heart of your child.


A Banquet in the Grave: Finding Hope in the Power of the Gospel by Ed Welch • A worship disorder: this is how Edward T. Welch views addictions.

Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life

by Donald S. Whitney • We aren’t meant to wait for holiness―we’re meant to pursue it.

Federal Husband

by Douglas Wilson • Federal thinking is foreign to the modern mind.