Angel and Yamel Cardoza were married in 2010 and moved to Los Angeles to attend seminary in 2012. They have five children: Noa, Abi, Ana, Manu, and Mateo.
The prosperity gospel has been growing in the last ten years. One of the biggest churches in the country is a prosperity teaching church, but at the same time, our country is experiencing a great awakening in the evangelical world. A handful of churches have stood against error, prosperity gospel deceivers, the faith movement, and other charismatic movements. We think we are at the beginning of a great awakening.
Iglesia Cristiana de la Comunidad, is situated in a strategic avenue with good public transportation access, surrounded by twelve small communities with great need of the gospel and also economic needs. In 2008, 250 households of the community were visited and interviewed by the church, and the monthly income of 62% of the families was found to be lower than $340. The main social problems identified in our community are water shortages, blackouts, poor drainage, crime, drugs, unemployment, and domestic violence.
This church was planted in 1984 by Cristobal Cardoza (Angel's dad). It started with just a couple of families. Currently, this church has 240 members with an average Sunday attendance of 340.
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic