Sermons Sundays in July

Recent Sermons

The words "youth ministry" tend to make many think of fun and games. That it is, and so much more. This seminar will look to present our philosophy of student ministries at Grace and demonstrate their necessity in the life of our church.

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Sinful decisions are often unintelligent and can reduce our ability to think clearly and accurately.  In contrast, godly living promotes wisdom and insight. We will probe these concepts further, ultimately resting in the truth of the gospel which frees us from the control of sin and allows us to pursue godliness (Titus 2:11–14; 3:3–7). 

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This world is broken and full of pain. Amidst the devastation, is there any hope? For the Christian, there is. That hope is called “heaven,” and it has the power to transform your life. What is heaven like? What are some ways that Christian’s misunderstand it? And how does it fuel our hope today?

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Over the years, the Proverbs 31 woman has been met with a myriad of different reactions from both women and men in the church concerning her seemingly grandiose description and entrepreneurial activities. Is she a real woman that is to be modeled, or just a literary abstraction to be admired? This seminar answers these questions and provides a helpful guide for everyone who seeks to understand this Princess of Proverbs.

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This seminar will provide an overview of the “woke movement,” show areas where it contradicts biblical principles, and provide advice for interacting with those caught in the movement.

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How do we react to ungodliness within the church? Moreover, what is the difference between the “visible church” and the “invisible church”? This seminar will endeavor to answer those questions and seek to understand how that distinction affects our lives.

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This seminar is going to show us what the Bible has to say about disabilities and what our responsibility as Christians is to these precious people.

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The financial headlines of the day make managing money seem impossible and uncertain. We will look at the simple truths in the Bible and make application of that wisdom to your daily handling of money.

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