Sermons Shepherds Conference

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Counted Worthy

Paul Washer | Selected Scriptures | 3/1/2017 Seminar Session 1

Shepherds Conference | Shepherds Conference 2017

Suffering for Christ in a World That Hates Him

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The Father's Revelation through the Son

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What's in a Name?

Paul Twiss | Selected Scriptures | 3/1/2017 Seminar Session 1

Shepherds Conference | Shepherds Conference 2017

Understanding Jesus as Son of God and Son of Man

Download(s): MP3

As It Is Written

Brad Klassen | Selected Scriptures | 3/1/2017 Seminar Session 1

Shepherds Conference | Shepherds Conference 2017

The Authority of Christ and the Canon of Scripture

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Absolutely Necessary?

Keith Essex | Selected Scriptures | 3/1/2017 Seminar Session 1

Shepherds Conference | Shepherds Conference 2017

The Doctrinal Importance of the Virgin Birth

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Reading the OT the Way Jesus Did

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The Work of His Hands

Jeff Williams | Selected Scriptures | 3/1/2017 Lunch Session

Shepherds Conference | Shepherds Conference 2017

A View from Space

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Download(s): Spanish MP3

Christ Alone: The Legacy of Reformation Truth in Puritan Preaching

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