Our Joy in Service

Please note, Volunteer Registration begins January 5.

Here at Grace Church, we are blessed with many opportunities to use our spiritual gifts to serve the Lord and edify our church family. As we constantly see the blessing of new members added to our church family, and others faithfully serving the Lord year after year, it is a joy to witness our church so faithfully living out the command of 1 Peter 1:8, “As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.”

One of the most impactful ways our church body comes together to serve is in the months leading up to Shepherds Conference every March. As one of our church’s largest ministries, our volunteers play a key role in meeting the needs of the more than 5,000 men who visit our campus. Volunteers have an indelible impact on the conference through simple acts of service—whether it is through hospitality, foodservice, cleaning, or the many other ways volunteers serve. Shepherds Conference presents a variety of ways to use our gifts to edify others.

This year’s conference theme is “Proclaiming Christ to the Ends of the Earth,” which will focus on the Lord’s command to His followers to go into all the world and make disciples of every nation. Keynote speakers include Pastor John, Michael Reeves, H.B. Charles Jr., Paul Washer, Conrad Mbewe, and others, who will encourage our attendees to remain steadfast in the invincible power of the gospel and to declare its truth to the ends of the earth. 

Volunteering for Shepherds Conference 2025 is an opportunity for our church members to care for these ministers of the gospel, and therefore to have a lasting impact on Christ’s church throughout the world—all so that Christ will be glorified through the proclamation of His truth.

We ask you to prayerfully consider how you might serve at Shepherds Conference this year. Most importantly, please pray that this conference would honor Jesus Christ, and that each attendee would be equipped with the courage to stand firm in service of Christ and His church.

Important Information for Volunteers

  • In order to volunteer, you must be a member of Grace Community Church. Please note that the membership process must be completely finished in order to serve at the conference.
  • The 2025 conference is a three-day conference running from Wednesday, March 5, through Friday, March 7, with set-up and wrap-up before and after those dates. Help is needed on each of these days.
  • For first-time volunteers, registration begins on Sunday, January 5. Visit the Patio after either morning service.
  • Returning volunteers are asked to register online to serve.
  • The deadline for signing up to volunteer is Sunday, January 19, both in person and online.
  • There will be a Volunteer Meeting on Sunday, January 26, in the Family Center from 1 to 2:30 pm. This meeting is mandatory for all volunteers.