Sermons about Resurrection

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The Christian's Hope

Ben Bradord | 1 Peter 1:3–5 | 5/5/2024


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The Linchpin of the Gospel

Gregg Frazer | 1 Corinthians 15 | 3/31/2024


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Unity of the Cross

Frank Romero | John 17:1 | 5/21/2023


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The Greatest Reversal, Part 2

Brian Biedebach | 1 Corinthians 15:20–28 | 2/12/2023

Steadfast | Series: 1 Corinthians

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The Greatest Reversal, Part 1

Brian Biedebach | 1 Corinthians 15:12–19 | 2/5/2023

Steadfast | Series: 1 Corinthians

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The Importance of the Resurrection, Part 1

Brian Biedebach | 1 Corinthians 15:1–11 | 1/15/2023

Steadfast | Series: 1 Corinthians

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The Empty Tomb

Austin Duncan | John 20:1–18 | 4/17/2022


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He's Not Here

Jay Lennington | Mark 15:42–16:8 | 5/29/2020

XCHANGE | Series: Mark Study

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The Hope of the Resurrection

Josh Petras | Mark 15:42–16:8 | 12/16/2018

180 Ministry

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Resurrection, New Testament

Rodney Andersen | Selected Scriptures | 4/1/2018


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Fall Retreat

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Resurrection Confidence

Josh Petras | 1 Corinthians 15:1–17 | 4/16/2017

180 Ministry

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What Resurrection Means for You

John MacArthur | 1 Corinthians 15:29–34 | 10/16/2016

Grace Pulpit

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The Program of the Resurrection

John MacArthur | Selected Scriptures | 9/25/2016

Grace Pulpit

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Christ Is Risen, Part 2

John MacArthur | Selected Scriptures | 9/25/2016

Grace Pulpit | Series: Christ Is Risen

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Christ Is Risen, Part 1

John MacArthur | Selected Scriptures | 9/18/2016

Grace Pulpit | Series: Christ Is Risen

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Jesus, the Death Conqueror

John MacArthur | John 19:31–20:10 | 9/11/2016

Grace Pulpit

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Hope of Resurrection

Tom Patton | Job 14 | 11/15/2015

Joint Heirs | Series: Series on Job

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Seven Effects of the Resurrection

Carl Hargrove | Selected Scriptures | 4/5/2015


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First Fruits of Resurrection

Austin Duncan | 1 Corinthians 15 | 5/18/2014


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Futility Without Resurrection

Austin Duncan | 1 Corinthians 15:12–19 | 5/11/2014


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The Resurrection and the Gospel

Austin Duncan | 1 Corinthians 15:1–11 | 4/27/2014


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Christ's Resurrection

Richard Mayhue | Selected Scriptures | 4/20/2014


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Are You a Resurrection Witness?

Lance Quinn | Selected Scriptures | 4/20/2014

Joint Heirs

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The Risen Cornerstone

Steve Crawford | Acts 4:10–12 | 8/15/2012


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The Glorious Resurrection

Bill Shannon | 1 Corinthians 15 | 4/8/2012


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Resurrection Sunday

Kelly Wright | Selected Scriptures | 4/8/2012


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The Mystery of Resurrection

John MacArthur | 1 Corinthians 15:50–58 | 11/14/2010

Grace Pulpit

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The Resurrection Body

John MacArthur | 1 Corinthians 15:35–49 | 11/7/2010

Grace Pulpit

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What If There Is No Resurrection?

John MacArthur | 1 Corinthians 15:12–20 | 10/17/2010

Grace Pulpit

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The Resurrection Gospel

John MacArthur | 1 Corinthians 15:1–11 | 10/10/2010

Grace Pulpit

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Resurrection and the End of the Age

Travis Allen | 1 Corinthians 15:20–28 | 12/28/2008


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The Importance of the Resurrection

Jeff Casali | 1 Corinthians 15:12–19 | 6/22/2008

The Foundry

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The Resurrection

Kurt Gebhards | Selected Scriptures | 3/23/2008

The Foundry

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Risen with Christ

Phil Johnson | Romans 6:11–14 | 4/16/2006


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The Risen Lord

Kurt Gebhards | John 21 | 5/2/2004

The Foundry | Series: The Risen Lord

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The Empty Tomb, Part 3

Kurt Gebhards | Mark 16:1–8 | 4/25/2004

The Foundry | Series: The Empty Tomb

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The Empty Tomb, Part 2

Kurt Gebhards | Mark 16:1–8 | 4/18/2004

The Foundry | Series: The Empty Tomb

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Resurrection Sunday

Bill Shannon | Selected Scriptures | 4/11/2004


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The Empty Tomb, Part 1

Kurt Gebhards | Luke 24:1–8 | 4/11/2004

The Foundry | Series: The Empty Tomb

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Risen with Christ

Phil Johnson | Romans 6:11–14 | 4/11/2004


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