Sermons about God

God Never Changes

Jay Lennington | 2 Kings 2 | 4/14/2024

XCHANGE | Series: 2nd Kings

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While this question may be intimidating to some and intriguing to others, its answer is essential for all. A. W.  Tozer said, “what comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” This session will explore the character and work of God the Father to begin to answer this all-important question for our lives.

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God Reigns and Will Reign

Abner Chou | Selected Scriptures | 1/15/2023


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God’s immutable essence is the very foundation of our trust in Him. If God is not unchanging, like a rock, then He cannot act as our fortress in times of turmoil. But if God is a God who does not change, then we have every reassurance that we can run to Him when the whole earth has given way under our feet.

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Faithful Is He, Part 1

Brad Klassen | 1 Thessalonians 5:23–28 | 6/5/2022

Commissioned | Series: Exposition of 1 Thessalonians

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What Makes God, God?

Abner Chou | Exodus 3:14 | 5/29/2022

Grace Pulpit

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The Divine Dilemma

Paul Washer | Selected Scriptures | 5/8/2022

Joint Heirs

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Fear will erase fear

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The God of The Bible

Joe Zhakevich | Selected Scriptures | 2/20/2022


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Life is transitory but God is eternal...

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Knowing Yahweh

Jonny Ardavanis | Exodus 3 | 10/24/2021


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God Alone Provides Stability

Abner Chou | 1 Kings 15:1–8 | 6/13/2021


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The DTR at Sinai

Josh Petras | Exodus 19 | 5/9/2021

180 Ministry | Series: Exodus

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What We Teach About God

Jay Lennington | Selected Scriptures | 10/11/2020

Grace Pulpit | Series: Simple Christianity

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The Response to Assault

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Who Is Like Our God?

Jesse Fenn | Psalm 113 | 10/27/2019


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Our Trustworthy God

Isaías Muñoz | Genesis 3:1–7 | 10/27/2019


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The Assault on Trust

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God on God's Terms

Cameron Buettel | Exodus 34:5–8 | 9/15/2019


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When God Came Down

Gregory DeWeese | Genesis 11:1–9 | 8/18/2019


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A God Who Sees

Dan Tarr | Genesis 16 | 5/19/2019

180 Ministry

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The God Who Won't Quit

Rich Gregory | Joel 2:12–14 | 10/1/2017


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The God Who Promises

Rich Gregory | Selected Scriptures | 9/24/2017


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God Desires to be Known

Michael T | Jeremiah 9:23–24 | 5/1/2016


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God Defines God

Cameron Buettel | Exodus 34:5–8 | 4/17/2016


God declares who He is, defines who He is, and demonstrated who He is.

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Who Has Made Man?

Jesse Johnson | Exodus 4:11 | 2/7/2016


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Faithfulness of God

Gabriel Powell | Selected Scriptures | 1/17/2016

Joint Heirs

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Why We Should Fear God

Chris Gee | 1 Peter 1:17–21 | 1/15/2016

Grace on Campus UCLA

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From Dust to Glory

Phil Johnson | Genesis 1:26–27 | 11/8/2015


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Behold Your God

Danny Gumprecht | Psalm 145 | 12/21/2014


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What the Cross Means to God

John MacArthur | Selected Scriptures | 11/23/2014

Grace Pulpit

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Fire From Heaven

Phil Johnson | 2 Kings 1 | 11/16/2014


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The Kindness of Our Saving God

Nathan Busenitz | Selected Scriptures | 11/2/2014


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A Fallen World, a Faithful God

Austin Duncan | Selected Scriptures | 10/19/2014

Grace Pulpit

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The True God

Paul Twiss | 1 Kings 18 | 5/25/2014


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Awe and Shock

Rich Gregory | 1 Peter 1:17–19 | 3/16/2014


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God's Strength

Paul Twiss | Isaiah 40:27–31 | 1/5/2014


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Knowing God

Lance Quinn | Proverbs 30:1–6 | 12/29/2013

Grace Pulpit

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The Still, Small Voice

Phil Johnson | 1 Kings 19:9–18 | 11/10/2013

Grace Pulpit

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Questioning God

Andrew Gutierrez | Romans 3:1–8 | 2/10/2013

180 Ministry

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Who Is God?

Theo Low | Selected Scriptures | 1/23/2013


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God's Righteousness Revealed

Phil Johnson | Romans 3:19–26 | 11/4/2012


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God Is a Spirit

Phil Johnson | John 4:23–24 | 10/28/2012


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The Thought of God

Austin Duncan | Deuteronomy 29:2–28 | 10/21/2012


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Give Your Life Away

Bobby Blakey | 2 Peter 3:9 | 8/12/2012

180 Ministry

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Hard Sayings: Is God Unfair? Part 3

Tom Patton | Romans 9:18–24 | 8/21/2011

Cornerstone | Series: Hard Sayings

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God and God Alone

Carey Hardy | Romans 11:33–36 | 8/14/2011

Grace Pulpit

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How God Buried His Son

John MacArthur | Selected Scriptures | 5/29/2011

Grace Pulpit

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God Visits Calvary

John MacArthur | Mark 15:33–41 | 5/22/2011

Grace Pulpit

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When God Changes Your Plans

Don Green | Proverbs 16:9 | 10/3/2010

Grace Pulpit

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Three Realities of God

Kelly Wright | Genesis 1:1 | 9/1/2010


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A Primer on God Unique

Trevor Craigen | Isaiah 40:12–31 | 8/8/2010


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God is a Spirit

Phil Johnson | John 4:23–24 | 7/25/2010

Grace Pulpit

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You Work Out, God Works In

Adam Ashoff | Philippians 2:12–13 | 5/30/2010

180 Ministry

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God Never Changes

Terry Speer | Exodus 32 | 5/16/2010


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The God Who Judges Sin

Brent Small | 1 Samuel 4 | 12/6/2009


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A Relationship Worth Dying For

Mark Zhakevich | Colossians 1:19–23 | 8/23/2009


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Reflections on God's Faithfulness

Kurt Gebhards | 1 Corinthians 1:17–2:5 | 2/1/2009

The Foundry

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Experiencing God

Bob King | Genesis 21:1–21 | 12/21/2008


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God, and God Alone

Phil Johnson | Exodus 20:3 | 12/14/2008


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The Character of God

Dawn Iverson | Selected Scriptures | 11/19/2008

Every Woman’s Grace | Series: EWG 2008–2009 Season

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What's in a Name?

Phil Johnson | Exodus 20:7 | 10/26/2008


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God's Self-Portrait

Rick Holland | Exodus 34:6–8 | 10/5/2008

Grace Pulpit

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The Greatness of God

Lauren Brown | Selected Scriptures | 9/13/2008


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God's Comfort

Kevin Sauder | 2 Corinthians 1:1–7 | 9/7/2008

Joint Heirs

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God is Relational

Michael Escen | Psalm 8 | 9/3/2008


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God is Eternal

Kelly Wright | Selected Scriptures | 8/6/2008


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Three Reasons to Fear God

John MacArthur | Selected Scriptures | 6/14/2008

Resolved | Resolved 2008

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The God who Provides

Tad Mehringer | 1 Samuel 23 | 4/9/2008


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Knowing Him

Kelly Wright | 1 John 2:3–6 | 3/30/2008


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In God We Trust

Tom Patton | Ecclesiastes 8:1–9 | 3/16/2008


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How God leads His people in daily decision making

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God is Light

Kelly Wright | 1 John 1:5–8 | 2/24/2008


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The Unseen Justice of God

Tom Patton | Ecclesiastes 3:16–4:3 | 8/26/2007


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Creation and the Gospel

Chris Hamilton | Acts 17:24–34 | 8/12/2007

180 Ministry

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Who Do You Trust?

Doug Bradley | Proverbs 3:5–6 | 5/27/2007

Joint Heirs

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God's Caring Attributes

Scott Basolo | Ezekiel 34:11–16 | 5/27/2007


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How to Know God's Will for Your Life

Al Mohler | Romans 11:33–12:2 | 3/11/2007

180 Ministry

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The God Who Delivers

Eric Bancroft | Selected Scriptures | 2/25/2007

180 Ministry

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God is the Gospel

John Piper | Selected Scriptures | 2/18/2007

Resolved | Resolved 2007

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The Zeal of The Lord

Scott Basolo | Isaiah 8 & 9 | 12/17/2006


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God Has Spoken

Tom Patton | Hebrews 1:1–3 | 12/17/2006


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The Providence of God, Part 1

Tom Patton | Ecclesiastes 3:1–14 | 12/3/2006


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The Mercy of God

Rick Holland | Ephesians 2 | 6/18/2006


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God's Patience

Dan Dumas | Proverbs 1:20–33 | 2/12/2006


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Heaven's Economics

Carey Hardy | Philippians 4:18–19 | 12/4/2005


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Knowing God

Eric Bancroft | Selected Scriptures | 10/2/2005

180 Ministry

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Attributes of God: Immutability

Bill Shannon | Selected Scriptures | 7/24/2005


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The God of Recompense

Travis Allen | Isaiah 66:1–6 | 6/19/2005


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Delighting in the Knowledge of God

Jay Wegter | Ephesians 1:15–21 | 6/19/2005


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Who's Number One?

Nathan Busenitz | Hebrews 12:28–13:6 | 5/15/2005


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The Patience of God

Bill Shannon | Selected Scriptures | 5/1/2005


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The Goodness of God

Bill Shannon | Selected Scriptures | 4/10/2005


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Amnesty International

Eric Bancroft | Colossians 1:19–23 | 4/3/2005

180 Ministry

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In God We Trust

Mark MacArthur | Genesis 24 | 2/27/2005


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The God of Widows

Bob King | 2 Kings 8:1–8 | 2/6/2005


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God Is Great!

Rick Holland | 1 Chronicles 29:10–12 | 1/16/2005


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The Attributes of God, Part 2

Phil Johnson | Selected Scriptures | 1/9/2005

GraceLife | Series: The Attributes of God

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God is Speaking, Part 2

Tom Patton | Hebrews 1:1–3 | 12/10/2004

The Guild | Series: God is Speaking

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God is Speaking, Part 1

Tom Patton | Hebrews 1:1–3 | 12/3/2004

The Guild | Series: God is Speaking

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The Still Small Voice

Phil Johnson | 1 Kings 19:9–18 | 9/26/2004


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The Theme Of The Bible

Jon Anderson | Isaiah 48:11 | 8/15/2004


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Does God Have Mood Swings?

Phil Johnson | Selected Scriptures | 8/8/2004


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The Unseen Justice of God

Tom Patton | Ecclesiastes 3:16–4:3 | 6/18/2004

The Guild

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The Righteousness of God

Phil Johnson | 2 Corinthians 5:21 | 5/9/2004


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The Reign of the King

Steve Cooley | 1 Samuel 2:1–5 | 5/2/2004


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The Beginning of Wisdom

Richard Mayhue | Proverbs 9:10 | 4/25/2004


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The Foolishness Of God, Part 1

Rick Holland | 1 Corinthians 1:18–25 | 3/14/2004


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Proper Boasting

Marc Wragg | Jeremiah 9:23–24 | 1/11/2004


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David Preaches to Himself

Phil Johnson | Psalm 103:1–5 | 1/4/2004


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Satisfaction Guaranteed

Paul Sheldon | Psalm 37:1–6 | 12/28/2003


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God and God Alone

Carey Hardy | 1 Corinthians 8:4–6 | 11/16/2003


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Responding to the modern evangelical attack on the character of God.

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Women's Session

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Affirming the doctrine of omniscience.

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Affirming the doctrine of omniscience.

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God Is Great, God Is Good

Rick Holland | James 1:16–18 | 4/30/2000


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