Sermons about Culture

The Mentality of Materialism

Harry Walls | James 5 | 12/3/2023

Cornerstone | Series: James

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Made in His Image: Male & Female

Phil Johnson | Selected Scriptures | 11/12/2023


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The Nations Rage

Phil Johnson | Psalm 2 | 10/8/2023


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Though it was once characterized by Christian moral values, western society is now dominated by secular thinking. What led to this seismic shift, where is the culture headed, and how should believers today respond to the modern world in which they live?

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Though understanding the nature of truth is foundational to all rational thought, there is presently no concept more under attack by the world than the truth. This seminar defines truth biblically and presents it as the only remedy for a culture in chaos.

Download the handout for this session.

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The Wisdom of Our Foolish Gospel

Voddie Baucham | 1 Corinthians 1:18–25 | 3/5/2023

Grace Pulpit

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Session 1: Biblical Womanhood

Lynne Brown & Ann Bradley | Selected Scriptures | 2/11/2023

180 Ministry | Series: True Femininity

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What Is Truth?

Mike Riccardi | Selected Scriptures | 1/15/2023


The only remedy for a culture in chaos.

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How older and younger should act.

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Worldliness, Part 4

Harry Walls | James 4 | 11/20/2022

Cornerstone | Series: James

Download(s): MP3

What is a woman? How does the creation of men and women in God’s image relate to equality? What does it mean to be a suitable helper, a worker at home, and to live contently in submission to God? Today’s culture has lost the ability to answer these questions, but God’s Word is clear. This session will encourage us to understand our Creator’s design and the joy that is found in living confidently and purposefully according to His plan.

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Parenting in a culture that is hostile to both our children and biblical truth is a challenge. This session will encourage parents and equip them to address the difficult parenting issues that often arise in the midst of an antagonistic culture.

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As believers, we are not to allow our thinking to be taken captive by philosophy and empty deception. One of the most prevalent deceptive philosophies in our current culture is that of the victim mentality. This seminar discusses the biblical truth that defends against this dangerous mindset.

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A Biblical Response for the Christian Home

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Such Were Some of You

John MacArthur | 1 Corinthians 6:9–11 | 1/16/2022

Grace Pulpit

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Worldly Influence in the Church

Brian Biedebach | 1 Corinthians 3:18–23 | 2/7/2021

Steadfast | Series: 1 Corinthians

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Originally Titled "The Invisible Kingdom of Heaven, Part 2"

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The Pessimism of Ecclesiastes

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Searching for a Biblical Antidote to this Cultural Moment

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Searching for a Biblical Antidote to this Cultural Moment Pt. 1

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Finding The Balance

Austin Duncan | Ecclesiastes 9:1–12 | 8/5/2018

Crossroads | Series: A Life Well Lived

Ecclesiastes: The End of the Matter

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A Biblical Response to the Lure of the World

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There is no neutral ground.

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Worldliness Warning

Jay Lennington | Philippians 3:17–4:1 | 4/29/2018


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The Vanity of Education

Austin Duncan | Ecclesiastes 1:12–18 | 3/11/2018

Crossroads | Series: A Life Well Lived

A Life Well Lived

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Wisdom with the World, Part 2

Carl Hargrove | Colossians 4:5–6 | 2/18/2018

Doulos | Series: Wisdom with the World

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Wisdom with the World, Part 1

Carl Hargrove | Colossians 4:5–6 | 2/11/2018

Doulos | Series: Wisdom with the World

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A Proper Perspective on Technology

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Modern Issues, Part 2

Josh Petras | Romans 1:26–32 | 5/14/2017

180 Ministry


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How Did We Get Here?

Josh Petras | Romans 1:18–31 | 5/7/2017

180 Ministry

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The Great Pleasure Experiment

Paul Twiss | Ecclesiastes 2:1–11 | 4/9/2017

Grace Pulpit

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Faith and Technology

Adam Ashoff | Selected Scriptures | 3/26/2017


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Not Of This World

Bill Shannon | 1 Peter 2:11–12 | 9/4/2016


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A Biblical Perspective on Media, Celebrity, and Music

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How to Fend Off the Prevasive Skepticism of These Postmodern Times

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A Biblical Perspective on Media, Celebrity, and Music

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Love Not The World

Phil Johnson | 1 John 2:15–16 | 9/27/2015


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Social Media

Josh Petras | Selected Scriptures | 7/12/2015

180 Ministry

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American Idols

Tom Patton | Selected Scriptures | 7/5/2015

Sundays in July | Sundays In July 2015

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Gospel-Promoting Employment

Justin Harris | Selected Scriptures | 10/12/2014


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Sufficiency and Success

Austin Duncan | Judges 1:1–2:5 | 9/21/2014

Crossroads | Series: Judges Survey

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Worth While Pursuits

Bill Shannon | 1 Thessalonians 4:11–12 | 8/26/2012


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American Idols

Tom Patton | Selected Scriptures | 7/16/2009

Crossroads | Series: Right Thinking in a World Gone Wrong

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How to Shut Up the World

Tom Patton | 1 Peter 2:13–17 | 3/15/2009


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Truth and Relativism

Jeremiah Kirberg | Selected Scriptures | 7/2/2008

180 Ministry

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Do not love the world!

Kelly Wright | 1 John 2:15–17 | 5/11/2008


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Fighting for biblical truth in the realm of secular thought

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Understanding the influence of post-modern thought on the church today

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The Bible and Postmodernism

Rick Holland | 2 Peter 1:16–21 | 9/3/2006


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Deceitfulness of the World

Bill Shannon | Selected Scriptures | 5/7/2006


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Stop Loving the World

Marc Wragg | 1 John 2:15–17 | 7/11/2004


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Do Not Love the World

Eric Bancroft | 1 John 2:15–17 | 3/14/2004

180 Ministry

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How to maintain knowledge of the world around you.

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An evaluation of the modern psychological movement.

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An evaluation of the modern psychological movement.

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Navigating A Broken World

Rick Holland | Ecclesiastes 3:16–4:16 | 3/7/1999

Crossroads | Series: Ecclesiastes Series

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Surviving An Unfair World

Rick Holland | Ecclesiastes 3:16–22 | 2/28/1999

Crossroads | Series: Ecclesiastes Series

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Looking For Life In Stuff

Rick Holland | Ecclesiastes 2:4–8 | 11/8/1998

Crossroads | Series: Ecclesiastes Series

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