Sermons about Church

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Please note, due to technical difficulties, this recording skips brief portions of audio.

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Due to technical difficulties this sermon is incomplete.

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Heaven on Earth, Part 4

John MacArthur | Selected Scriptures | 8/13/2023

Grace Pulpit

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Heaven on Earth, Part 3

John MacArthur | Selected Scriptures | 8/6/2023

Grace Pulpit

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Where Is Your Treasure?

Brian Biedebach | 1 Corinthians 16:1–4 | 5/7/2023

Steadfast | Series: 1 Corinthians

Seven New Testament practices of giving

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A Warning from Jesus

Ben Herb | Revelation 2:1–7 | 10/16/2022

180 Ministry

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How do we react to ungodliness within the church? Moreover, what is the difference between the “visible church” and the “invisible church”? This seminar will endeavor to answer those questions and seek to understand how that distinction affects our lives.

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One Body, Many Members, Part 3

Brian Biedebach | 1 Corinthians 12:27–31 | 5/29/2022

Steadfast | Series: 1 Corinthians

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One Body, Many Members, Part 2

Brian Biedebach | 1 Corinthians 12:14–26 | 5/22/2022

Steadfast | Series: 1 Corinthians

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Session 2

Owen Strachan | Selected Scriptures | 4/30/2022

Men of the Word | Why the Church?

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Session 1

Owen Strachan | Selected Scriptures | 4/30/2022

Men of the Word | Why the Church?

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All Sermons about Church