Larry Pettegrew | Hosea 2 | 1/21/2007
Download(s): MP3
Larry Pettegrew | Ezekiel 20:33–44 | 3/19/2006
Larry Pettegrew | Acts 8–10 | 7/11/2004
Larry Pettegrew | Judges 2 | 6/6/2004
Larry Pettegrew | Acts 1 & 2 | 3/21/2004
Larry Pettegrew | Selected Scriptures | 3/14/2004
Sojourners | Series: The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament
Larry Pettegrew | Selected Scriptures | 2/8/2004
Larry Pettegrew | Selected Scriptures | 2/1/2004
Larry Pettegrew | Selected Scriptures | 3/7/2002
Shepherds Conference | Shepherds Conference 2002
Responding to the modern evangelical attack on the character of God.
Larry Pettegrew | Selected Scriptures | 3/7/2001
Shepherds Conference | Shepherds Conference 2001
Affirming the doctrine of omniscience.
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