Shepherds Conference 2018 Shepherds Conference


I Will Build My Church

Media from the 2018 Shepherds Conference, "I Will Build My Church", March 7–9, 2018. For more information visit

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Moderated by Austin Duncan

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Thursday, March 8, 2018

Preaching With Passion

Alex Montoya | Selected Scriptures | 3/8/2018 Lunch Session

Shepherds Conference | Shepherds Conference 2018

Preaching That Builds the Church

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Pastoring Through Song

Bob Kauflin | Selected Scriptures | 3/8/2018 Lunch Session

Shepherds Conference | Shepherds Conference 2018

How Congregational Singing Serves to Build the Church

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Upon This Rock

Mark Dever | Selected Scriptures | 3/8/2018 Seminar Session

Shepherds Conference | Shepherds Conference 2018

How to Build a Healthy Church

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On Pastoring

HB Charles Jr | Selected Scriptures | 3/8/2018 Seminar Session

Shepherds Conference | Shepherds Conference 2018

Essential Lessons Every Faithful Shepherd Needs to Learn

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My Sheep Hear My Voice

Ligon Duncan | Selected Scriptures | 3/8/2018 Seminar Session

Shepherds Conference | Shepherds Conference 2018

Teaching Our People How to Listen to Preaching

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Compelling, Cultivating, Connecting

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Hanging on Every Word

Tom Pennington | Selected Scriptures | 3/8/2018 Seminar Session

Shepherds Conference | Shepherds Conference 2018

Refining the Art of Consecutive Exposition

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Long before Luther

Nathan Busenitz | Selected Scriptures | 3/8/2018 Seminar Session

Shepherds Conference | Shepherds Conference 2018

Where Was the Gospel Before the Reformation?

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Only the Weak Survive

Mike Riccardi | Selected Scriptures | 3/8/2018 Seminar Session

Shepherds Conference | Shepherds Conference 2018

How Ordinary Pastors Magnify God’s Glory

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Cutting it Straighter

Abner Chou | Selected Scriptures | 3/8/2018 Seminar Session

Shepherds Conference | Shepherds Conference 2018

Tenets and Tips for Deeper Bible Study

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Friday, March 9, 2018

What We Can Learn from Charles Spurgeon

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Revitalizing Churches

Carl Hargrove | Selected Scriptures | 3/9/2018 Lunch Session

Shepherds Conference | Shepherds Conference 2018

Casting Vision, Shepherding Souls, and Reaching the Lost

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Follow Me

Mark Zhakevich | Selected Scriptures | 3/9/2018 Lunch Session

Shepherds Conference | Shepherds Conference 2018

Understanding Discipleship from the Gospel of John

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