Shepherds Conference 2006 Shepherds Conference

The mission of the Shepherds Conference is to provide the opportunity for men in church leadership to be challenged in their commitment to biblical ministry and to find encouragement as together we seek to become more effective servants of our chief Shepherd.

Media on Shepherds Conference Website

Wednesday, March 1, 2006

Wednesday Morning

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The true measure of successful ministry

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Establishing a philosophy of student ministry

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The non-negotiable pillars of an effective ministry

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Biblically Handling Common Ministry Threats

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Counseling beyond the surface issues

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A case for expository preaching

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The biblical plan for dealing with unrepentant, habitual sin

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Examining the damning doctrines of Roman Catholicism

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Why pastoral ministry must begin at home

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Making members into ministers

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Defending the heart of the gospel

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The danger of belittling the Lord's Table

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Assessing and addressing evangelical charismatics

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A biblical look at the rapture

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Four key ingredients for effective preaching

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Volunteer recruiting, training and development

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Wednesday Evening

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Thursday, March 2, 2006

Thursday Morning 1

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Thursday Morning 2

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Whom does God want leading His church?

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Common mistakes every student of the Bible must avoid

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Developing lay leadership in your church

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How to partner in ministry with parents of teens

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Exposing the flaws of the fad-driven church

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Striving for a balanced approach to music in worship

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Addressing the role of women/biblical femininity

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How to be innovative without being seeker sensitive

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Understanding difficult passages: Genesis 1 & 2

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Taking a second look at fundamentalism

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The priority of discipleship in your youth ministry

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The five mistakes every preacher makes

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Maximizing your life direction

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Helping Christians overcome worry and anxiety

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Thursday Evening

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Friday, March 3, 2006

Exposing the postmodern errors of the emerging church

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Avoiding legalism in the home

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Ministering to singles in your church

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Examining the modern versions of the Bible

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Methods for doing ministry in your local community

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The importance of gospel-centered preaching

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Organizing ministry that matters

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Friday Afternoon

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Friday Evening

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Saturday, March 4, 2006

Saturday Morning 1

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Saturday Morning 2

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