Shepherds Conference 2007 Shepherds Conference

The mission of the Shepherds Conference is to provide the opportunity for men in church leadership to be challenged in their commitment to biblical ministry and to find encouragement as together we seek to become more effective servants of our chief Shepherd.

Media on Shepherds Conference Website

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Sovereign Election, Israel & Eschatology

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Understanding the biblical paradigm for counseling

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Understanding difficult passages: Romans 11:25-27

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Distinctives of an effective children’s ministry

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Taking youth ministry seriously

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The advantages of verse by verse exposition of the Scriptures

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Understanding the influence of post-modern thought on the church today

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A philosophy of ministry built upon the text of scripture

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Thursday, March 8, 2007

Purity in the Camp

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Q & A with John MacArthur

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Effective preaching demands proper exegesis

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The marks of a God-centered church from I Thessalonians

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Methods for ministry in your local community

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Youth ministry as a means to discipling the church

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The vital importance of gaining and maintaining pastoral credibility in the ministry

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Effective preaching demands purposeful execution

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Motivating members to do the work of the ministry

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The importance of managing ministry without overlooking your family

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Teaching your congregation the pattern for biblical decision-making

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Diagnosing the cause and the cure of every marriage problem

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Leading by the Word not the world

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The Power in Preaching

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Friday, March 9, 2007

Opposition & Hope

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Preaching that assaults the heart and obligates the will

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Why Arminians pre-suppose the doctrines of grace

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How to be innovative without being seeker sensitive

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The peril of the leader’s familiarity with God

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Does the Old Testament teach a future physical kingdom of Christ on the earth?

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Answering the common objections to cessationism

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Q & A with Keynote Panel

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Justification & Atonement

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