Sermons Camp Regeneration

Recent Sermons

Modern worship can be filled with so many distractions: lights, haze, breathtaking vocals, soaring guitars and hearts from its leaders that are more focused on the presentation than the gospel that intertwines our worship. This message takes a look at the heart of what Christian worship should be from the perspective of both the ones who lead musically and those who participate in it as the body of Christ.

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In a culture saturated with wrong thinking about prayer, we desperately need a biblical perspective on it. This session discusses the pattern of prayer taught by Jesus in what is commonly known as the Lord’s Prayer.

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The world’s countless resources on dating make it much easier for today’s teenager to be confused and uncertain about this important chapter of life. Rather than live in the unknown, let’s allow the Bible to inform us on the God-given desire for companionship and who we should be desiring for this type of relationship.

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While there is no particular scripture that speaks specifically about youth ministry, the Bible provides plenty of wisdom that can be applied to those who serve in youth ministry. This seminar explores those essential doctrines that should be top of mind for Christians who minister to young people.

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How should Christians think about all the technology God has provided for this generation? How can they use phones, social media accounts, or video games with wisdom? This seminar finds biblical answers to those questions in the first chapter of Genesis, where the creation mandate describes how believers are supposed to spend their time.

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