Austin Duncan | Psalm 6 | 8/6/2017
Grace Pulpit
Download(s): MP3 / Video
Rick McLean | Selected Scriptures | 8/3/2017
Grace Pulpit | Elders Conversations
Chris Gee has a conversation with Rick McLean, Pastor for Special Ministries.
Download(s): Video
Rich Gregory | Psalm 18 | 7/30/2017
Austin Duncan | Psalm 5 | 7/30/2017
Mark Zhakevich | Psalm 36 | 7/23/2017
Phil Johnson | Romans 8:34 | 7/23/2017
Tom Pennington | Romans 6:1–2 | 7/16/2017
John Bates | Selected Scriptures | 7/13/2017
Chris Gee has a conversation with John Bates, who serves as the Treasurer on the Grace Church Elders Board.
Dale Ralph Davis | Ruth 1 | 7/9/2017
Austin Duncan | Psalm 130 | 7/9/2017
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