Our Building Project
A Special Church
Throughout the years, our church has been known to be a unique church, producing solid resources (books, music, articles, etc), being a beacon of expository preaching, offering engaging services and training leaders.
A Growing Church
In the past 10 years we have had the joy of planting 3 new churches around the city, with a fourth one on the way. Our reach in the area has doubled, but sending people out did not stop our own church from growing. In the past years our sanctuary and Sunday school classes have been at full capacity.
Growing in the City
We are thankful for our church property, located at a strategic location close to the freeway and a subway station, making it a great meeting point for people inside and outside the city. Because of this we feel strongly that we should expand rather than find another location.
A Unique Opportunity
The city law changed recently, making it extremely difficult for religious buildings to expand. By God’s grace we were able to secure a building permit just a few weeks before the ultimatum.
We Need Your Help
We are able to finance a majority of the project through our savings and a loan, but we still need help to complete the expenses. We are trying to raise $150,000 to finish the project. Any support is deeply appreciated!
Lyon, France