Rich Harasick

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Rich has served in Children’s Ministry since 1986. It is his joy to proclaim the gospel to kids and encourage parents to be faithful stewards of God’s gifts as they raise their children. He currently serves as an elder overseeing Children’s Ministry, and also teaches the Parenting for Life class at Grace Church. Rich and his wife, Karen, have three children.

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Charles Spurgeon said, “Train up a child in the way he should go – but be sure to go that way yourself.” God’s direction to parents is simple and straightforward, but your faithfulness to raise your children biblically must be a reflection of your commitment to Jesus Christ. This seminar will look at the essentials of Christian parenting through the lens of a passion to influence the next generation.

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Parenting for Life 2022, Session 4

Rich Harasick | Selected Scriptures | 3/26/2022

Children | Series: Parenting for Life

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Parenting For Life 2022, Session 3

Rich Harasick | Selected Scriptures | 3/26/2022

Children | Series: Parenting for Life

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Parenting For Life 2022, Session 2

Rich Harasick | Selected Scriptures | 3/26/2022

Children | Series: Parenting for Life

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