Andrew Curry

Andrew Curry image
Andrew Curry grew up in Northern Ireland, where he trained as an elementary school teacher. While working as a teacher, he became involved in youth ministry and lay preaching. In 2010 Andrew moved to California in order to attend The Master’s Seminary, where he completed the Th.M program. While at Grace he served in the Crossroads ministry and was the Junior High Pastor. In September of 2015, Andrew moved back to Northern Ireland where he now serves as senior pastor at Emmanuel Baptist Church in Lisburn. Andrew and his wife, Sarah, have one daughter and one son.

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Serving on Empty

Andrew Curry | Luke 9:1–17 | 7/28/2024

Grace Pulpit

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Historical examples of doctrinal drift stand as a cautionary tale for the church today. This seminar will briefly trace Fuller Seminary’s drift from the doctrine of inerrancy and the repercussions.

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