Fernando & Julia Jaimes

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Fernando Jaimes

Fernando & Julia Jaimes

Bogotá, Colombia

Our Plan & Team

Our plan is to strengthen the leadership of local churches in major cities of Colombia through Bible exposition, theology classes, and training pastors with original biblical languages.

We are currently serving through an established church plant in Bogotá that is growing both spiritually and numerically. Additionally, we have founded a biblical institute that offers solid theological education and pastoral training to Christian leaders from various local churches.

Looking ahead, we plan to expand this ministry by planting more churches in strategic cities across Colombia, further strengthening the network of biblically sound churches.

Why Colombia?

In Latin America, Colombia remains one of the most receptive countries to sound biblical doctrine. Many Christian churches are experiencing significant growth, and there is a growing hunger for deep, Bible-centered teaching.

Colombian pastors are in great need of theological training, particularly in the areas of Bible exposition, pastoral ministry, and original biblical languages. This need presents a unique opportunity to equip leaders for faithful ministry.

Colombia’s strategic location connects Central and South America, making it easily accessible for pastors from neighboring countries seeking pastoral training.

Key Facts about Colombia

  • Population: Estiamted at 50 million
  • Area: 439,735 square miles
  • Colombia has experienced over 50 years of internal conflict, but recent peace processes have opened new doors for gospel outreach and church growth.

Political Situation

Colombia has made significant progress in improving security and stabilizing its political situation. Although challenges remain due to the lingering presence of guerrilla and paramilitary groups, recent years have seen an increased openness to the gospel and a safer environment for ministry.

However, religious leaders who boldly proclaim the gospel in areas controlled by these groups still face risks. Despite these challenges, the church in Colombia continues to grow and flourish in difficult circumstances.

Religious Situation

Roman Catholicism continues to be the dominant religion in Colombia. However, evangelical Christianity has experienced remarkable growth over the past few decades. Unfortunately, much of this growth has occurred in movements where sound doctrine is not prioritized.

In recent years, there is a clear and encouraging awakening in Colombia. Many pastors and church leaders are seeking deeper theological training and sound, biblical preaching for their congregations. This moment presents a unique opportunity for equipping and discipling the next generation of church leaders.

Religious Statistics

  • 81% Roman Catholic
  • 10% Non-evangelical
  • 3.5% Evangelical Christian

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Bogotá, Colombia