Hope Bible Study Local Outreach

Mondays at 7 pm in H221/222

Hope Bible Study is a transitional ministry that labors to encourage those who have been beset by life-dominating sin, such as drugs and alcohol, with the hope of Christ, the changing power of His Word, and the fellowship of His Church. We aim to come alongside these men and women to spur them on to an ever-increasing love for Jesus Christ, to aid them in putting off sin and putting on righteousness, and to equip them for effective ministry within the church.

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Local Outreach Office


Trent Jackson image

Trent Jackson

Hope Bible Study


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Hope for the Hopeless

By God’s amazing grace, the truth of His Word has sounded forth from Grace Community Church throughout five decades of faithful preaching. And we thank God that the sanctifying power of His Word is producing men and women of integrity who hunger...

Local Outreach